Member-only story
How to Rehabilitate a Shrinking Attention Span
Sitting still, eyes wide open, witnessing beauty

I’ve noticed an increased restlessness. It’s not a physical desire to travel or roam; this is a restlessness of the attention span and a splintering of focus. It’s gotten worse in the past year; oh has it ever.
Once I could sink into my favorite couch and read for hours. Now, after 15 minutes I fidget, check my phone, look out the window, browse recipes. Book, what book?
Writing stretches are growing shorter, peppered with interruptions — like checking social media, or — and here’s the big problem — attending to a sudden idea that comes flitting in. One second I’m writing a scene and ALL OF A SUDDEN I’m making a note of something like a good swim workout idea, or adding Lara bars to the shopping list. Unimportant distractions. They’re becoming a habit of mind. A bad habit.
The ability to sit with ease is feeling out of reach; the hour of daydreaming I used to do in my corner chair over coffee lasts about 10 minutes before I wonder: Is there something else I could be doing, something more worthwhile? (This question is forever unanswered; the more I ask it the more I chase my tail.)
I know that spending time sitting, meditating, or in some form of quiet time would be a good practice…